Page 5 - MidWeek - Sep 28, 2022
P. 5

Financial Literacy
                     you if your goals change. At Hawaiian Financial Federal Credit Union, there is no       
   ohana achieve their highest quality       goal of the “Get Your House     reminding everyone of the      
Ho’okele          and retirement information, insurance and bank document locations, and vital contacts.            Get Your House in Order  with a new section of the Ho’okele available from the website        
For more information about Get Your House in Order email: 
Financial literacy involves much more than just balancing your checkbook or knowing about mortgages. Financial literacy includes understanding how credit affects your life (including your credit score), knowing all your sources of income and debts, identifying any           
has on our daily lives cannot be overstated. Just about everything we have and do has a monetary cost; medical insurance,    dog food, toiletries, gas, mortgages, birthday gifts,         
                 When creating a budget,     
              and often ignore smaller costs like the daily morning drive-thru coffees, or occasional lunches out. But, to thoroughly understand your finances you need to know your true number, which means that anything and everything that costs you money needs to be listed                                    to come to terms with the                       long arduous task, but after 6           down.
           Your goals could be focused      your college loan, or buying a      could be more long term and elaborate such as getting married, retiring at 55, having two children, owning your own home and maybe even     
Whatever your goals may be, you need to consider your income, and all liabilities to determine if your goals are realistically achievable.      goal of owning a home, but
do they have the savings
answer is no, then they need to start saving for the industry           have, and how much will     and achievable financial goals means deciding how much income is required to set aside into savings to make   
             is an unlearned beginner at     start doing research about    
attend seminars and start
            knowledge. You should also             cutter scenario, everyone has     goals, and everyone also has     you are only concerned about your own goals and your own  
a smart way to address your
             and overlay your goals with
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September 28, 2022 MIDWEEK 5
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Hawaiian Financial Federal Credit Union
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