Page 3 - MidWeek - Sep 28, 2022
P. 3

September 28, 2022 MIDWEEK 3
     A Sustainable Partnership
If everyone takes small steps now,
we can plant the seeds for a greener future.
  Save water
The Board of Water Supply is asking all of O‘ahu to voluntarily cut water usage by 10 percent, about 20 gallons a
day. This will help keep our sources healthy and sustainable.
Every day tips
 Turn off water while brushing teeth: 4 gallons saved.
 Turn off water while shaving: 4-5 gallons saved.
Other suggestions
 Do one large load of laundry a week, versus more frequent smaller loads: 15-45 gallons saved/load.
 Run dishwasher only with a full load: 5-15 gallons saved/load.  Water your lawn before 9 AM and after 5 PM.
Learn more at www.boardofwatersupply/conservation
Turn water off while washing dishes: 10 gallons saved. Cut your shower time by 2 minutes: 5 gallons saved.
Save energy
   To save energy on your electric bill, follow these simple tips from Hawaiian Electric. To help the environment, shift energy use from the evening Peak to daytime hours when more renewable energy is on the grid.
 Use fans instead of air conditioners: Two fans, rather than an 8,000 Btu/H room air conditioner running four hours a day, will save more than 1,150 kWh and $345 per year.
 Wash clothes in cold water: Switching from Hot Wash/Warm Rinse to Cold/Cold cycle for just two loads a week can save 225 kWh and $68 per year.
 Eliminate energy sneakers (phantom loads): Using a power strip to turn off your computer can save 50 kWh and $15
per year, even more if you have other devices plugged into the power strip.
Learn more at
  Save money
Take advantage of rebates from Hawai‘i Energy on the ENERGY STAR® products with the most energy savings.
 Refrigerator Trade-Up: $200 Rebate on an ENERGY STAR model and a $75 cash reward for recycling a second old fridge or freezer.
 LED Light Bulbs: Instant Rebates on ENERGY STAR-certified LED bulbs that last longer and save you up to 90% on lighting energy costs.
 Window AC: Up to $45 instant rebate on a qualified ENERGY STAR model.
See all rebates and other low-investment saving options at

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