Page 4 - MidWeek Windward - March 29, 2023
P. 4

4 MARCH 29, 2023
 Assets School’s Robotics Teams Feature Windward Students
we can, and we look forward to interacting with amaz- ing teams from across the world,” adds Han.
  It’s an exciting year for Assets School’s Team Waf- fles, which includes senior Mason Pimentel from Wind- ward O‘ahu. After winning the state robotics champion- ships in January, the group is gearing up to be one of two teams representing Hawai‘i in a world championship tournament this April.
The captain of Team Waf- fles is Emily Kurashima, Class of 2025. Besides Pi- mentel, the other members are Mitchell Kee Chong, Fay Weldon, Brenden Locquiao, Logan Wee, Blake Vascon- cellos, Sydnee Rol, Kelli Ann Cabanada, Leilei Petrossian and Zak Campos. The team’s name comes from the fact that the school’s teams eat waffles together before each robotics league meet.
“Being a teacher for a small school where the ma- jority of our students learn differently, I’m extremely proud of our students for showing the world and them- selves that they are capable,” says coach Peter Han.
Han shares that he be- gan the FIRST (For Inspi- ration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Tech Challenge Robotics Program at Assets School in 2018 as an extracurricular
(Above left, above right and below) Assets School’s Team Waffles takes part in a recent competition. (Bottom left) The school’s second team, MEAF (Metal Engineering Assets Flamingos), works on a project. PHOTOS COURTESY ASSETS SCHOOL
teamwork — this camarade- rie is extended even beyond the team. The robotics games are played in a two-versus- two alliance format, and Team Waffles won by col-
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“Our main objective in going to the world champi- onship is to learn and bring back as much knowledge as
after-school team in hopes of expanding STEM interest for the student population. At the time, there were only 10 students enrolled. Now in 2023, the program has grown to include nearly 40 students with three coaches and men- tors: Han, Miles Yamamoto and Emi Hagiwara.
due to an increase in student interest. Team MEAF is the younger team but they show tons of potential,” says Han.
laborating with Team X-bots from Punahou School, who will be joining them in the world championships.
In FIRST Robotics, it’s all about collaboration and
“Being in a robotics team isn’t just about being in
     “We’ve also expanded the robotics program now to par- ticipate in FLL (FIRST Lego League) for the kindergarten to eighth-grade school and both FTC and FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) at the high school,” shares Han. “Our program and our team are still really young and new to the robotics commu- nity so we still have a lot to learn.”
   Assets School’s second team, MEAF (Metal Engi- neering Assets Flamingos), also ended the season in the semifinals, finishing in fourth place.
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      The team includes stu- dents from Windward O‘ahu — juniors Carlos Perez-Me- sa and Noelani Glorioso, and sophomore Nahele Kiakona.
“It was actually Team Waf- fles that started and coached Team MEAF three years ago

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