Page 6 - MidWeek Windward - March 3, 2021
P. 6

6   MARCH 3, 2021
Enterprising Entrepreneur Creates New Business In Response To Challenges
siding/eaves, and a lot of power washing of drive- ways, walkways, pool decks and patios. Not a lot of peo- ple know about soft wash- ing, but it’s a gentle and ef- fective way to kill mold and mildew on sensitive exterior surfaces. Roofs and hous- es should never be power washed — the high PSI from a pressure washer can rip off the paint and do a lot of damage to roof surfaces and siding,” Comstock notes.
doesn’t leave any hard wa- ter spots. I’ve gotten some great feedback from custom- ers who have seen an instant reduction in their electric- ity bill from finally having clean solar panels,” he adds.
wherever he is, he’s proud of me,” he adds.
so much more marine debris over the last few years.
 Comstock notes that it wasn’t exactly the best time to start a company, but he made a website and things snowballed from there when his phone started ringing.
Comstock shares that he draws a lot of inspiration to stay on this career path from his father, who died unex- pectedly a few months ago.
Comstock has lived in Kailua for most of his life, with the exception of about four years when his family lived in Beijing, China, and a few years on the mainland after college.
“After learning about it, it’s amazing how much microplastics and marine debris can have a negative effect on our ecosystem and overall way of life here in Hawaiʻi. I’m pretty pas- sionate about it, so there’s a good chance you’ll see me on Kailua Beach on the windier days testing out one of my microplastics sifters,” he says.
Currently, Comstock is the only full-time employee, although he has two part- time workers as well.
“I was lucky enough to get into Le Jardin Academy and was part of the first graduat- ing class there,” he shares.
When COVID-19 hit and quarantine went into effect, peoples’ homes very sud- denly became their offices, schools, recreation and shel- ters from the storm, so to speak, Comstock says.
He explains that soft washing gently applies a cleaning solution to safe- ly eliminate mold, mildew, moss, lichen and other or- ganic growths without dam- aging your property or land- scaping.
“Before retiring, my dad Kent was an entrepreneur himself, having started mul- tiple successful companies, both domestic and abroad,” Comstock reminisces.
“The Windward side is in- credibly special and unique in so many ways. This com- munity means so much to myself, my family and my business,” Comstock says.
Kailua resident Matt Comstock, owner of Pacific Spray Wash, scrubs a surface while at work.
He also likes to surf when there are waves, and he’s a commercial fisherman when they are biting.
His customers were spend- ing a lot of time indoors and they wanted their living spaces to look and feel clean, the latter especially import- ant with the pandemic.
“He isn’t around to talk shop anymore, but knowing his history as an entrepre- neur and who he was as a person, it motivates me to put my nose on the grind- stone and get to work every day, because that’s what he would have done and I know
“Philanthropy is import- ant in my family and a main pillar in the long-term plan for my business,” he adds.
provide someone an oppor- tunity they wouldn’t other- wise have.”
“I also love to work on my aquaponics garden and go on walks with my elderly golden retriever, Jack,” he concludes.
“I got a lot of calls for soft-wash cleaning of roofs/
He notes that he grew up on the water and has noticed
“A new service that I’ve started offering recently is solar panel cleaning using soft deionized water that
“I strive to donate more of my time and resources to those in need with the hope that one day I’ll be able to
Besides work, Comstock has other passions.
For more information, visit or call 763-9298.
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