Page 4 - MidWeek - May 24, 2023
P. 4

4 MIDWEEK MAY 24, 2023
          What helps you fall asleep?
      Lint Trap
It’s no secret to the people who know me that my fa- vorite color is black. Nearly every car and truck I’ve owned has been black. As far as vehicles go, owning a black car is a true commitment. If you don’t keep it clean and polished, it looks the opposite of cool. In my case, the opposite of cool is lazy.
One hundred percent of my excuse for this is because as soon as I wash my car, it either rains or I experience my own little version of Alfred Hitchcock’s movie The Birds. That’s right, I believe that birds target my car specifically because that is the nature of their job. They keep car washes and detailers employed.
General merchandise stocker, ‘Aiea
“Deep sleep music. Rainy/ ocean sounds and chillstep music.”
Elevator mechanic, ‘Aiea
“Darkness and promethazine.”
Videographer, Kāne‘ohe
“If I think about all the tasks I have to complete the next day, I fall asleep quickly because my brain wants to avoid the stress.”
Non-destructive testing inspector, Kapolei “Cuddling with my puppy, Bailey, while listening to the white noise of my air purifier.”
By mutual agreement with my wife, much of our furniture is leather and therefore black. For the most part we have similar tastes in decorating style, but between her and our daughter and after watching Love It Or List It on HGTV, they are suddenly inspired to incorporate pops of color.
Although our daughter has a great sense of style, she tends to go for the trendy, TikTok-inspired looks. I’ve come home from work on occasion to find that they both repainted our bathroom in a color that I can’t even pronounce. It kind of bugs me since I didn’t get a say in it. But pick your battles, right?
 Ron Nagasawa
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          HShed The Should
ave you ever listened to how you talk to your- self, or considered the words you use daily? If you use a lot of “shoulds,” “ought tos,” “have
 tos,” “got tos” or “need tos,” you’re living according to values that aren’t your own.
 I notice when people overuse the word “should,” they say things like, “I should exercise more,” “I should eat healthier” or “I should keep my house cleaner.” “Should” is like a silent saboteur, constantly hinting to us that what we are doing is wrong, and that we “should” be doing something else.
 I would like to suggest that the next time you catch yourself saying “should,” question it. Ask yourself “why?” If the reason holds up, do it. If not, let it go. The more you stop “shoulding” all over yourself, the better you will feel.
     At least they don’t have any involvement with my office, which is mostly black with my side chairs, desk chair and couch in leather. Of course, my desk is black. You could almost say my office is my home away from home. That is truer than not because of all the time I spend at the office.
   Regarding my wardrobe, it is also predominantly black. A long time ago, I read that wearing the color black makes you look slimmer. Since then, black clothes are a big part of my “look.” Not quite like Johnny Cash or Honolulu Star-Ad- vertiser’s famous John Berger, but sometimes pretty close. Another advantage of wearing black is the color matches everything, so like Albert Einstein, I don’t have to do a lot of thinking about what I’m going to wear. However, I recently had an experience from wearing my go-to black T-shirt. The other day, my wife and I needed to buy a new bathroom rug.
I didn’t want to spend a lot of money so we went to Ross Dress For Less. My wife picked out a fluffy white rug and asked me to carry it. I shifted the rolled-up rug from arm to arm. She turned around and saw that my shirt was covered in white lint. I also noticed that she was walking way ahead of me so I called out to her. She said she didn’t want to be seen next to me and have people wonder why she would let her husband go out in public with a shirt covered in lint.
I then posed a legit question, “ Then why do you do that when I’m not covered in lint?”

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