Page 4 - MidWeek - March 24, 2021
P. 4

4 MIDWEEK MARCH 24, 2021
            IWhen It Rains, It Pours
What is your favorite rainy day activity?
     ’m sure most of you know about Murphy’s law. It pret- ty much states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. But did you know there was a secondary rule
known as the Ron Nagasawa clause?
It goes like this, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
Under the Ron Nagasawa clause, it will continue to go wrong until his head explodes.”
It started a few weeks ago. With all the heavy rain we’ve been having lately, our roof started leaking right over our bed on the side I sleep on. Luckily for us, our neighbor was having her roof fixed and her repair guy noticed our roofing problems and gave me a proposal. It was nothing I could really afford right now, so I asked what it would cost just to fix the leak.
Wai‘anae, School Counselor
“Sewing and crafting with my daughter.”
Makiki, Unemployed
“I like to stay home and under the blankets.”
Ala Moana, Pilot
“Stay inside and play my PlayStation.”
Waikīkī, Janitor
“I watch TV, especially fairy tales and Korean dramas.”
It was still more than I wanted to spend, but I bit the bullet and had it repaired. As soon as I made the payment, my broth- er-in-law, who does our taxes, called me and estimated that we would owe in the amount of four times what I just paid to have our roof fixed! Figuring out how I was going to pay my taxes consumed me for the next couple of days. Last Friday, as I drove home from work, my check engine light came on. I called my repair shop, but the soonest they could take me in would be in two weeks. After explaining this to my wife, she insisted that I take her car to work and that she would ride with our daughter.
 Ron Nagasawa
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      Alice Inoue
 ISavvy Business Advice
f you are a business owner, try not to get so wrapped up in day-to-day hassles that you stop learning about trends relevant to your industry.
 Why? Suppose the rate of change outside your business is greater than the rate of change inside your business. In this case, you will begin getting overwhelmed by challenges, be in danger of losing your edge and, as a result, experience diminished en- gagement with your audience, customers or clients.
 You’ll then experience a significant amount of stress as you try to turn things around. Is it time to step outside of the rut and routine? If so, look up and out, as your ultimate business success depends on it.
    So, feeling better in having a reliable car to drive, on Mon- day I headed to Honolulu for a meeting. I was on Nimitz High- way when the right rear tire blew out. I safely pulled off the road. That’s when it started to rain. It’s also when I found out my wife’s car doesn’t carry a spare tire and the sealer/inflator was nowhere to be found as we bought the car used. I gingerly drove the car to Lex Brodie’s on Queen Street. I would have to replace both rear tires with more expensive “run flat” tires.
Unfortunately, the tires would have to come from their warehouse, so my wait would be a few hours. There were many people waiting for their cars, so I decided to avoid the crowd and venture out to nearby Kaka‘ako on foot.
I took a chance, as I had no umbrella and, of course, the Ron Nagasawa clause kicked in and I got caught in a cloudburst. If you know the Kaka‘ako area, you know that water pools up in the streets like swimming pools. As fate would have it, a passing truck sped by and splashed puddle water all over me.
I stood there sputtering, but instead of doing the “woe is me” routine and feeling sorry for myself, I burst out laughing. After all, my family is healthy, we’re all working, we have a home and manage to have food on the table.
I’m actually a very lucky guy.

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