Pick Your Own Shelf And Be Part Of Windward’s New Library

Windward Community College's first librarian, Catherine Wilson, stands with chancellor Doug Dykstra by the bookshelf she's chosen in support of the new Library Learning Commons. The plaque above her head indicates her donation in memory of her daughter. Now retired, Wilson was on campus to open the first WCC library. Photo by Bonnie Beatson.
Now that the Library Learning Commons has settled down to business – gleaming shelves groaning with books and research materials – Windward Community College is welcoming donors to “pick their shelf” and support its endowment fund.
Three well-known supporters recently made their choices, and plaques are on display as evidence of their gifts. The college’s first librarian, Catherine Wilson, picked her special shelf this spring on the upper floor in the library’s anthropology section. The choice is in memory of her daughter and to honor the daughter’s love of anthropology.
WCC alumna Barbara Kahana, one of the school’s many non-traditional students, has her own shelf, too. Kahana is a longtime supporter who also sponsors a scholarship. Former WCC chancellor Angela Meixell chose two shelves in the “reading for fun” section – one in memory of her sister, and the other in the name of husband Timothy and herself.
Shelves and other permanent naming places at the facility also are available to support the Library Endowment, which will help the staff maintain online research source materials, on-site reading and research materials, operational needs and other learning equipment.
For more information, call KC Collins at 956-3458.