Page 14 - MidWeek - June 7, 2023
P. 14

14 MIDWEEK JUNE 7, 2023
   With the superstruc- tures of battle- ships anchored in the waters of Pu‘uloa (Pearl Harbor) as a backdrop, Ka‘ili Chun’s impressive outdoor in- stallation Veritas sets the stage for the opening of Hō‘ikeākea Gallery at Leeward Com- munity College and its first exhibition, ‘Ai Pōhaku, Stone Eaters.
Gallery A Dream Come True For Community
By MaryAnne Long
(Above) Hō‘ikeākea Gallery coordinator Reem Bassous (left) and artist Ka‘ili Chun stand in front of Chun’s outdoor installation, Veritas. PHOTO COURTESY MARYANNE LONG; (Right) Maika‘i Tubbs created Ghost, 2023 using ghost net and adhesive; (Far right) Noah Harders fabricated ‘Ahu‘ula no Pu‘uloa, 2023 from oyster shell, gold leaf, lauhala, metal wire and burlap. PHOTOS COURTESY LEEWARD COMMUNITY COLLEGE
   The college is the center of higher education in the arts for West and Central O‘ahu resi- dents. Its new 1,500-square- foot art gallery has many sound and light enhancements to ben- efit the viewing experience.
“This gallery has been a longtime dream for many in our Leeward community,” says Reem Bassous, an assis- tant professor and gallery coor- dinator at LCC. “Former dean of arts and sciences Jim Good- man, as well as retired faculty Michael Harada, worked tire- lessly with Mark Lane (former vice chancellor of administra- tive services) to get this initia- tive off the ground.”
tions, and is in permanent col- lections, including at Honolulu Museum of Art. She looks for- ward to coordinating events at Hōʻikeākea Gallery.
ists from within. The gallery’s unique location establishes Ha- wai‘i within a larger discourse on art, while encouraging crit- ical thinking through aesthetic experiences that are cross-dis- ciplinary and relevant to con- temporary social narratives.”
tem. Variations of the exhibit, which pays homage to kāna- ka artists and culture bearers, have been on display in many UH facilities over the past few months.
Kūpaʻa Hee, Ipō and Kūnani Nihipali, Tiare Ribeaux, Abi- gail Romanchak and Maikaʻi Tubbs.
“Through the strategic ar- rangement of the cells, a visu- ally striking representation of unity, diversity and the inter- connectedness of humanity is established.”
With a distinguished teach- ing career in the University of Hawaiʻi system for 16 years, Bassous has appeared in regional and national ex- hibitions, has been reviewed by local and national publica-
“This space will engage the community and Leeward’s stu- dent body in unique experienc- es with art,” she says. “Situated in close proximity to Pu‘uloa, Hōʻikeākea acknowledges the responsibility of place as it designs exhibitions that invite artists from beyond Hawaiʻi to have a dialogue with art-
Not only is `Ai Pōhaku, Stone Eaters the first exhibit in this gallery, but it’s also the first large-scale exhibition of Kānaka ʻŌiwi art in more than 20 years to be presented within the University of Hawaiʻi sys-
The particular exhibition features pieces by scores of other artists, including Nāla- makūikapō Ahsing, Bernice Akamine, Herman Piʻikea Clark, Joy Lehuanani Enomo- to, Solomon Robert Nui Enos, Noah Harders, Kapulani Land- graf, Nanea Lum, Charlton
Hō‘ikeākea Gallery invites all to visit ‘Ai Pokaku, which is on display until Aug. 25. Vis- itors should begin at Chun’s towering Veritas.
Gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; and Saturday, 11 a.m.-3 p.m..
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MaryAnne Long is also an artist, art instructor, art col- lector and curator. Contact her at or
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“Its 50 steel cells represent the ongoing dialogue between the individual and collective experiences of Pu‘uloa’s rich cultural and environmental heritage,” explains Chun.
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