Page 2 - MidWeek - June 15, 2022
P. 2

          2 MIDWEEK JUNE 15, 2022
         with Megan Takagi
   Walking Through Chaos
“We always do the best we can by the light we have to see by.”
— Julia Cameron
      PThe Other Side
I’ve always been a planner, first by nature, then by trade,
Relishing each list of dreams, goals reached, and timelines made
erspective. We approach things with our own view- points, based perhaps on our background, upbring- ing, education, or lack thereof. Views might be
In early 2020, hopes were high and eyes were bright
skewed based on one’s tribes, parents, peers and/or men- tors. But perspective is vital nowadays with far too much fragmentation and far too little active listening, empathy and compassion.
Two suitcases, two meowing cats with me aboard the flight
luck to change
To sigh when plans are thwarted,
Even visual perspectives can be tainted by our personal history, what we know, or at least think we know. Example: Last week I took my lunchtime break at Sand Island State Recreation Area, just because. I grabbed a sandwich, parked in the lot and casually noshed while watching fishermen, passing ships, parasailers, birds and peripatetic park patrons.
While spending time with all the Se- attle friends I longed to see.
we rise above our shame
Design our days with purpose;
As I turned to leave, there it was — downtown Honolulu across the water, from the “other side.” I espied cloud- draped mountains behind downtown buildings, which I’d always seen from a completely different angle. It was almost like looking at a different cityscape, with green, rugged peaks as the backdrop — not Aloha Tower Mar- ketplace or the pier one might glimpse while driving down Bishop, Vineyard, Nimitz, Ala Moana, et al. Same place, different viewpoint.
But then the autumn skies cleared up, the smoke washed by the rain
we’re proud of every day
So throughout the tears and loneli-
How often do we approach issues from a different perspec- tive? How often do we do a 180 and actually listen when we find ourselves in disagreements with others? How often do we seek to gain diverse perspectives before allowing our own beliefs and deeply-chiseled opinions get in the way? Having strong convictions can be self-assuring, but it can also cut into one’s emotive capabilities to try to see things from a different angle — and I’m not rationalizing anti-facts-ers.
New Century Schoolbook bold (scaled H 73.6)
Yet everyone is dying — just at vast- ly different rates —
My long-awaited year to work on projects dear to me
when there’s nothing to exchange When every breath is precious, can
The first reported U.S. COVID death came north of town
The pandemic has helped the author focus on creating small moments each day that are still within her control, like taking a walk outside.
thoughts, assumptions to reframe
We cannot change mortality, get back
And by my second week the entire city was shut down
hours gone astray
But we can each do one thing that
Then riots, rallies, marches — push- ing back the racist chatter
Every breath felt like a gift, such beauty in the mundane
ness, the chaos and the strife
I find myself still walking, searching,
Handmade signs in windows: rain- bows, fists, and Black Lives Matter
seeking light and life
Masking up for springtime walks, with nowhere left to go
Now home and looking back two years, I’m saddened by the cost
Megan Takagi is the director of busi- ness development for Takagi & Takagi, a multigenerational family business that helps clients lead intentional, ful- filling and empowered lives through goals-based financial guidance.
Chasing The Light is produced by Lynne Johnson and Robin Stephens Rohr.
Debating bedtime with my cats (no harm in one more show ...)
Of what this did to families; the jobs and lives we lost
So when the wildfire smoke trapped us inside for days on end
So am I the kind of person who com- plains and hesitates
That’s the moment when I feared I’d break and never mend
To fully live the life I want or wait for
            That brusque co-worker? You have no idea what’s going on in that person’s brain, at home, or what his/her back- ground might be that led to this behavior. I know, that may not be your problem, but it is your attitude.
 I’m not excusing antisocial behavior or beliefs that are an affront to the human race. I’m suggesting that actively listening or letting go of one’s entrenched vantage point is possibly a fair way — maybe the only way— that we’re going to narrow chasms that only seem to widen these days.
      Absolute gun rights, vaccination validity, native and women’s rights, TMT, the rail, short-term rentals — pick a topic and everyone’s got an opinion ... and a bellybut- ton. Sometimes, we can’t see the forest for the trees. I just discovered downtown from Sand Island, and it sure looked a whole lot different.
      Think about it ...

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