Page 13 - MidWeek - April 27, 2022
P. 13

 APRIL 27, 2022 MIDWEEK 13
     Agudong Finds Her Place In The Spotlight
         physically. Sometimes, they could affordforustogouptoLAfor a month or two at a time, which was a big chunk of time, but it was helpful because the longer you’re there, the more chances you have for auditions and booking some- thing,” Agudong says, adding that she was trying out for everything from commercials to Disney and Nickelodeon series. “Sometimes, we could only afford the time, energy and finances for a week. Whenever we got that chance to make it happen, we would.”
give it one more try, packed her suitcases and headed straight for Tinseltown. With that spark in her back pocket, she began booking roles. She starred in a low-budget film called West Michigan, which is about a 17-year-old girl who strug- gles to find her place in the world.
We created a family.”
That ‘ohana mindset follows
yet-to-be-released interactive web series called Find Millie Martin, where she plays a social me-
dia influencer whose friend
     “I was excited because I got to play somebody who was kind of mean,” Agudong says. “It was fun to experiment and be free and go outside of my comfort zone.
Agudong wherever she goes, a nod to the close-knit community she was raised in. She cultivat- ed a similar feeling on the set of Netflix’s On My Block, her first TV show appearance. It’s a far cry from an obstacle course game show like Wipeout, but that didn’t take away from the fun of filming it.
goes missing. Meanwhile, production is currently underway for At Her
Feet, a project she can’t
spill too much informa-
tion about, but says it’s filming on the Big Island
and includes “known Ha- waiian actors that will be really fun to shoot with.” As
far as her dream role goes, Agudong would love to work with Marvel or DC,
but more than that, hopes to compose her own script, add- ing that it would be a coming- of-age story.
With exciting film projects coming up, Sydney Agudong looks forward to the day when she can write and direct one of her own.
  As if one’s teenage years aren’t already turbulent times, Agudong felt nothing but defeated, discour- aged and disappointed, and so she put her Hollywood dreams on the back burner and had her heart set on going to college in Colorado instead. But with a sudden burst of optimism, Agudong decided to
“(The experience) was so cool. I mean, it was low budget, so film- ing was quicker and there were some adjustments to it, but I don’t think that takes away from the ex- perience at all. There’s so much to learn when you’re on set, doing it instead of hearing about it. It was really cool because I still feel con- nected to everybody even though we haven’t spoken in a little while.
“I got to play Jamal’s (Brett Gray) girlfriend and date to prom,” she says. “I was extremely grate- ful and lucky to have the cast and crew that I had because they were already family and had been there for seasons before. It was their last season, so they just wanted to have fun. They were so welcom- ing, which I know is not always the case on a set.”
“I’m not really sure what my
    Coming up, Agudong stars in a
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