Keiki Athletes
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Brynn Denis, Brynne Hopeau-Lampitoc, Sierra Kauweloa, Madison Williams (kneeling), Daizlynn Cabacungan and Hailey Kauweoloa of AVC OLASO 15U take a break during an AVPFirst beach tournament, coordinated by AVPFirst and Spike and Serve volleyball club, June 3 at Queen’s Surf Beach in Waik˛k˛.

Congratulations to the Kahala Warriors, sponsored in part by Hawai‘i Self Storage, on winning the 17th annual Memorial Day Bash 10U Tournament in Henderson, Nevada. Pictured are (front, from left) Micah Friel, Taryn Ho, Ace Arizumi, Nicholas Segawa, Payton Nasu, (middle row) Kalai Lee, Rand Gushiken, Jayden Oshiro, Dyson Murakami, Klay Gostling, Kasyn Amazaki, Joven Young, and (back row) Donn Arizumi, Daniel Ho, Brandon Nasu and Jason Young.

Cdr. James Hornef congratulates 16-year-old Kevin Valente on his gold medal in the 25-meter
freestyle at the state games for Special Olympics Hawai‘i.

Kasi Amaral, goalie for Whitfield SC, holds the team’s HYSA Memorial Day Cup U12 championship trophy.