Kapolei Couple Wins Love-letter Contest, Celebrates 49 Years

Evelyn Souza (right) wrote husband Franklin (center) a Valentine’s Day letter and won Simply Wood Studios’ Pen A Love Letter Contest. Pictured with the happy Kapolei couple, who received a Simply Wood Studios gift certificate for a hisand-her pen set, is studio owner Aaron Lau. Photo from Kirsten Fujitani.
The art of hand writing a letter seems to be lost in this day and age, but Simply Wood Studios brought the act back to life with its Valentine’s Day Pen A Love Letter Contest.
Contest winner Evelyn Souza of Kapolei wrote a heart-melting letter to her husband Franklin (Frank), which is something they’ve been doing for a long time.
It’s the stuff fairy tales are made of.
“Frank was the football captain and I was a cheerleader (at Aiea High School),” she said. The two met when Evelyn was a freshman and Frank was a sophomore. “Back in the day, things were so much different, and it was nice growing up with him.”
The couple celebrated their 49th anniversary this month (53rd, if you count their budding relationship in high school), and they’ve been writing letters to each other throughout the duration of their relationship.
Frank served in the Korean War, and Evelyn admitted that she worried he wasn’t going to come home. Their relationship always has been based on forgiveness and commitment. “No matter what the storm in our life, we were well anchored,” she said. “That’s the way we’ve been since we first fell in love.”
Frank and Evelyn would write each other constantly, penning love letters every day while Frank was away at war.
And each letter they wrote ended with TDDUP — till death do us part.
Evelyn ended her winning letter with a simple sentence that displayed her deep love for her husband: “You were my everything then, Franklin, and will be forever … TDDUP.”
As winners of the contest, the Souzas received a Simply Wood Studios gift certificate good for a his-and-hers Hawaiian Koa and Leather Neopean pen set.
Also included in the winning package were a scented candle, body lotion gift basket and a heart-shaped box of chocolates. How sweet.