January 9
Please email calendar@midweek.com for event submissions
Tuesday January 9
Infant Safety
Adventist Health Castle, 6-8:30 p.m., $15. Recommended for parents, grandparents and other non-professional childcare providers, this course teaches basic life support techniques for infants and toddlers, as well as how to make your home safe for young children. (263-5400, adventisthealthcastle.org)
Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention
Na Kupuna Makamae, 653 Ala Moana Blvd., 10-11 a.m., $8. Join a tai chi class led by Randal Lau for exercises proven to enhance balance, prevent falls and increase overall well-being. Reservations required. (773-7047)
Blood Bank of Hawaii
Keelikolani Building, conference rooms 310, 313 and 314, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., free. Donate blood and save lives. Pre-registration recommended. (848-4770, bbh.org)
Dance Magic 808 Line Dancing and Int’l Quickstep
Salt Lake District Park, 1159 Ala Lilikoi Place, Jan. 9-March 13, line dancing 6:55 p.m., quickstep 7:45 p.m., $16. Come and learn various line dance routines and basic to intermediate quickstep steps. (dancemagic808.com)
Deconstructing Sex Work and Sex Trafficking
Ala Moana Hotel, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., $20-$40. This is the first time in twenty years that a major conference on the topics of sex trafficking and law enforcement will include the voices and views of persons working in the sex trades and their efforts to obtain labor rights. Continental breakfast included. Reservations recommended. (harmreductionhawaii.com/special-events)
Toddler Times
Waianae Public Library, Tuesdays through January, 9:30 a.m., free. Children ages 0-3 can enjoy stories, songs and playtime. (librarieshawaii.org/waianae, 697-7868)
Children’s Music with the Kailua Elks Club Band
Kailua Elks Club, 48 Maluniu Ave., Lodge #2230, 11-11:45 a.m., free. Come enjoy a fun twist on musical favorites. Great for children under 5. (keikimusic.eventbrite.com)
Blue Note Hawaii, 6:30 and 9 p.m., $25-$35. Attend this performance of traditional Hawaiian music by Kahanuola Solatorio and brothers Nicholas and Zachary Lum. (bluenotehawaii.com)