January 25
Please email calendar@midweek.com for event submissions
Thursday January 25
Beginner Slack Key Workshop
Ewa Mahiko Park, Thursdays through March 15, 9-10 a.m., contact for cost. This is an 8-week session on the basics of picking, timing, singing, tuning and tablature. Pre-registration required. (681-8315, fongmusic.homestead.com)
Beginner Ukulele Hawaiian Ensemble
Ewa Mahiko Park, Thursdays through March 15, 10:15-11:15 a.m., contact for cost. This is an 8-week session on the basics of ukulele, as well as the dynamics of playing ukulele, guitar and bass together. Pre-registration required. (681-8315, fongmusic.homestead.com)
Blue Zones Project – Healthy Cooking Class
Adventist Health Castle, 6-7:15 p.m., $12. Learn how to prepare delicious plant-based recipes, mingle with like-minded people who are looking to improve their well-being and enjoy samples of each dish. RSVP required. (263-5050, hawaii.bluezonesproject.com/events)
Breastfeeding Class
Adventist Health Castle, 5:30-7:30 p.m., $25. Partners are encouraged to attend. Fee covers two people. (263-5400, adventisthealthcastle.org)
Sustainable Ecosystems
Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, theater, Thursdays through January, 6:30-7:30 p.m., free. Attend a series of seminars on coral reef tipping points, saving parrotfishes and sea urchins, and marine reserves. (397-5840)
Senior Orientation/Beginner Trike Ride
Pearl Harbor Bike Path, 98-138 Hila Place, 9-11 a.m., free. Adults 50 years and older are welcome to join a carefree ride with HBL’s adult recumbent trikes. Pre-registration required. (hbl.org/seniors, 735-5756)
Terrarium Tea Party
Tea Boss Kissa, 88 Piikoi St., 6-7 p.m., $40. This party includes three locally grown succulents, ingredients, instructions and more. (artbridgeevents.com)
Mike Tulba
The Laylow, Autograph Collection, 7-10 p.m., free. (laylowwaikiki.com/event-directory)