Iron Man 3

Howard Dicus
Chief Explainer, Hawaii News Now

What is your occupation? Chief Explainer, Hawaii News Now.

Where and with whom did you see the movie? My wife, Bernadette, and I saw it Sunday afternoon at Ward Centre.

Overall, what did you think? Better than the first Iron Man. I never saw the second one.


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Iron Man 3

Without giving away the ending, what was one of your favorite scenes? When we learn the truth about The Mandarin (Sir Ben Kingsley), the principal bad guy in this film.

On a scale of one to four stars, what would you rate this film? As an action film, ★★★ , chiefly because of amusing performances by Kingsley, Robert Downey Jr. and Don Cheadle.

What did you think of the cinematography? First 3-D movie I’ve seen in years. I liked the ash floating out into the theater after one especially fiery scene.

Was the theme clear? The plot was complicated – you have to pay close attention, but I like that.

Did it remind you of any other work in film? The new Sherlock Holmes series, also starring Downey. In both, Downey counters the special effects by playing it as a comedy. Note: Drew Pearce wrote this screenplay and the one for the third Sherlock Holmes film.

To whom would you recommend this movie? Anyone who fell asleep during The Bridges of Madison County.

Did any of the actors stand out? Ben Kingsley is terrific, and I’m a fan of Guy Pearce, the star of Memento and the glasses-wearing cop in L.A. Confidential.

Did you identify with any of the characters? I’ve had comparatively little experience soaring through the air encased in metal, except for flying Hawaiian Airlines, which was much less eventful.

Did the soundtrack contribute significantly to the film? I would hail it as extremely loud. Brian Tyler, who composed the soundtrack music, did the soundtrack to the fourth Fast and the Furious movie and the fifth Rambo movie. No, I don’t remember any tunes from those films, either. But speaking of sounds, Paul Bettany, who played the albino assassin in The Da Vinci Code, is good as the voice of Jarvis, Iron Man’s computer system.

Would you buy this movie when it comes out on DVD? Not until I catch up on taped episodes of Person of Interest, Elementary and The Mentalist.

What’s your favorite movie snack? This is weird, but I don’t like to eat in movie theatres.

On a different note, what’s new with you? I’m working almost around the clock tracking Hawaii’s economy. If I ever figure it out, you’ll be the first to know.