Hot Shots – 4/20/16
Plaque Honors Bo Hing Chan Tseu
Hawaii Army Museum Society dedicated a plaque in honor of Dr. Lawrence K. W. Tseu’s wife Bo Hing Chan March 15. Pictured are (from left) retired U.S. Army Gen. Eric K. Shinseki, Hawaii Medical Assurance Association executive chairman, chief operating offi cer and chief fi nancial offi cer Dr. John Henry Felix, Tseu, Hawaii Army Museum Society executive director Vicki Olson, and president of Hawaii Army Museum Society and retired U.S. Army Gen. David A. Bramlett. PHOTO BY RETIRED COL. JIMMIE R. LACKEY
Walmart Supports HI Foodbank
Walmart presented a $3,000 grant to Hawaii Foodbank last month. The funds will be used to feed individuals in need throughout Oahu. Pictured are (from left) Walmart Hawaii market manager Steven Reed, Walmart Hawaii merchandise offi ce buyer’s assistant Jayson Rosales, Walmart Hawaii merchandise offi ce modular specialist Jed Santos, Walmart Hawaii merchandise offi ce buyers Rene Abbott and Marilyn Sue, and Hawaii Foodbank president and CEO Gerald Shintaku. PHOTO FROM DAVID SAYRE