Holistic Wellnes For Health
Where did you receive your schooling/training?
Founder and physician at Holistic Wellness Center
I graduated from Creighton University with a degree in dentistry. I commissioned into the Navy as a dentist. When I got out of the military, I practiced traditional and holistic dentistry for 47 years. I’m also a licensed massage therapist, homeopathic physician, and I hold a Ph.D. in natural science.
Why did you begin practicing holistic medicine?
When I was practicing dentistry, I noticed patients and even family members had ailments I didn’t understand. I looked into alternative medicine here in Hawaii, but there was no resolution to the problem. I started traveling all over the world trying to figure out what could be the problem. I went to Colombia, Germany, England and all over the United States as I started to understand alternative medicine. I visited homeopathic factories in Germany and England, then studied herbal medicine in China. I wanted to bridge these alternative medicine practices with traditional medicine and dentistry. There were so many different health care modalities from Oriental, European and Ayurvedic to traditional medicine. I had seen a correlation in symptoms, and had all of the material to potentially help, but I couldn’t figure out how to put it together in one holistic system. That was in the ’60s.
At around that time, I helped found the American Holistic Dental Association. I was also president of the Honolulu County Dental Society and chairman of the Board of Acupuncture examiners. While studying with doctors all over the world, I noticed recurring problems related to the teeth. I saw bizarre connections to organs and muscle aches and pains, so I went to Germany and studied under Dr. Reinhardt Voll, a physician who was nominated for the Nobel prize for his work in alternative medicine. From that encounter, I wrote three books on alternative medicine.
I started a holistic class four years ago and I had students for two years – nurses, massage therapists, acupuncture therapists and schoolteachers. These were my own classes because it was difficult to get sanction from western alliances for education. I had my students go back to their practice and utilize the things they had learned. They came back and said what worked or where there were inconsistencies. I spent two more years at that point doing clinical research and working on a handful of patients, checking my theories out. When computers came out I was able to incorporate all of the notes I had into a system incorporating traditional, European, Ayurvedic and Oriental medicine.

Dr. John Char treats a patient using an iMRS machine, the latest in pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) technology. Leah Friel photo lfriel@midweek.com
When did your holistic wellness center open, and how is it unique?
Nearly three years ago. My holistic practice looks at everything that is out of balance in the body. Holistic means embracing the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. I found that most people who were practicing any type of therapy were using a modified physical practice. When new patients came in, I asked what kind of treatment they were originally getting and why weren’t they getting results. I found that the mental, emotional and spiritual parts were missing. To assess a patient’s total health, I bridged modalities that cover the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual with the help of biotechnology. As I did that, I noticed patients getting better in a shorter period of time. Understanding how a cell works – I had studied anatomy, physiology, neurology, biotechnology and the brain – I found that the majority of the problem of any pain originated from the brain. Patients came to me with physical ailments and I worked on the brain, tapping acupuncture points and using affirmations. It took me about 20 years to gather my research and then put it into a computer program. Now I can assess all phases of the body and give a rendition of the body in two minutes and 13 seconds using highly advanced software protocols. That’s what I have today – about 29 different computer-based health programs with a database of 64,600 elements that I can scan people for with FDA-approved equipment. The key is taking care of the brain.
Can you talk about the device you use for pain relief that Dr. Oz endorses?
It’s the pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) technology, which has been FDA approved for around 34 years. It energizes the trillions of cells in your body, which helps reverse the negative effects of free radicals caused by our artificial surroundings: electromagnetic fields, florescent lighting, cell phone radiation, microwaves, etc. PEMF therapy has been used with great effect in major hospitals on the Mainland for bone regrowth and surgical recovery. My PEMF equipment is used as part of a pain-relief program to help patients get results without using drugs or surgery.
How does the device work?
It’s a pad with specially designed copper coils inside that’s hooked up to a computer system that I use to control the frequency and power output. I tune the machine to emit frequencies appropriate to a patient’s specific areas of pain, thereby radically increasing the effectiveness of our PEMF therapy versus the results from generic PEMF devices. Since PEMF therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution, sometimes the pain may come back, so I use other modalities and holistic disciplines to complement it. To get the best results, I address the patient’s entire body with all of the tools at my disposal.
My philosophy is: Teach them, let them experience it, and then they do it until it gets to be automatic – automatic improvement in the brain. My goal is to have the patients performing therapy on themselves, on their own time, after their sessions with me. It’s a longevity and wellness philosophy that has the patient maintaining a healthy quality of life by taking control of their own wellness.