Fishpond Intern Forms Due Soon

Paepae o Heeia is looking for people who are not afraid of getting a little bit dirty. The nonprofit group, which maintains Heeia Fishpond, seeks eager applicants to join its team through a 2014 Heeia Ahupuaa Internship.

Six adults are needed to work at the fishpond, learn about traditional ahupuaa management and network with the community.

Physical labor is expected since interns must aid in restoration, aqua-culture, native plant propagation, loi work and more.

The internship runs for 14 weeks, from Jan. 20 to May 2, 2014, and requires 16 hours a week, paying $11 per hour. Applicants should be 18 or older and do not need to be enrolled in college.

Applications can be downloaded from, or call 236-6178 or email Postmark deadline is Dec. 27, and interviews with finalists will take place the week of Jan. 6.