Digging Their Hands Into The Real Meaning Of Science
With a focus on water, St. John Vianney Parish School will launch a new learning program during Science Night, beginning at 6:30 p.m. March 11 at the Early Learning Center and in the sixth-grade classrooms.
“With all the good things happening in science at the school,” said spokesman Earl Walker, “this is why we raised funds for a new science classroom at the Breakfast with the Bishop (in January).”
The new program, Malama the ‘Aina, will help students understand their relationship with the land and natural resources. One example is their recent success with aquaponics on campus, which could be the highlight of the evening.
“Having taught the scientific method for nine years,” said teacher Kaukahi Severson, “I have learned that students crave a real-life application of the process and method.” She expects the new method will help them gain scientific proficiency so they can make informed decisions in later attend. For more information, call 261-4651.