Shane Victorino eats, sleeps and dreams of baseball. So much so that, to this day, he has never surfed, which..
MidWeek Cover Story
With 150 million orphan children awaiting adoption worldwide, says Kristine Altwies of Hawaii International Child, there’s no shortage of opportunities..
The cost of travel and lodging in Honolulu can be so prohibitive for Neighbor Island cancer patients, some consider forgoing..
U.S. Attorney Florence Nakakuni and FBI Special Agent In Charge Vida Bottom work closely together to bring criminals to justice..
With the holidays upon us and more people needing food assistance than ever, the Hawaii Foodbank needs donations Picture five..
Encouraged as a teen to get into the radio business by the legendary J. Akuhead Pupule, Mike Buck has been..
Quadriplegic Damon Boiser is the epitome of the ‘can do’ spirit — without the use of his arms and legs,..
When doctors diagnose a terminal illness, Hospice Hawaii provides doctors, nurses, social workers, even massage therapists to ease the patient’s..
The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, has been controversial, but there also is great interest and great need, with at..
Steven Loui, architect of the Navatek, turns his nautical engineering skills to creating the Sea Blade, the perfect boat for..
As Hilo Hattie, “The Store of Hawaii,” celebrates its 50th anniversary this month, it marks the revival of a local..
Eleven years ago, a group of young professionals came together with two goals: to raise funds for local charitable organizations..
Hawaii HomeOwnership Center, a nonprofit that helps people realize the dream of owning a home, will participate in the Hawaii..
As the man who commands U.S. Navy forces from California to India prepares to leave Hawaii for an even bigger..
POLYNESIAN CULTURAL CENTER CELEBRATES ITS 50TH ANNIVERSARY Help wanted. Laie, Oahu. Must climb trees, husk coconuts, dance the Samoan slap..
Miss Hawaii Crystal Lee is poised and beautiful, but this self-proclaimed tomboy says she loves to do handsprings in heels..
Shop at Times Supermarket now through Oct. 15 and your purchase of selected sponsor products will earn points toward athletic..
Foodland celebrates the 65th anniversary of the first store’s opening at Market City on a wing and a prayer and..
By LANI MOO as told to Susan K. Sunderland Told as a young man that a local guy could never..
Everybody knows about the stores, but there’s much more to Goodwill than that, including job training and placement, while keeping..