Andrew Rosen has been hired by Hawaii State Federal Credit Union as president and chief executive officer. Rosen will provide leadership, direction and guidance for all credit union activities and will be responsible for establishing and executing major goals and objectives. Rosen brings a notable track record and more than 22 years’ experience in the financial services industry, assuming key leadership positions at several large financial institutions throughout Hawaii and the Mainland, including Washington Mutual, Regions Financial Corp. and Bank of Hawaii.
Ka’ili Avis Honbo has joined Hawaii Human Resources Inc. (HiHR) as a business development manager. Honbo will be responsible for cultivating new business relationships and growing the firm’s clientele. She has extensive experience in the health care and insurance industries working with companies across the state. Honbo earned a B.A. in business administration with an emphasis on corporate communications from Hawaii Pacific University. She is a 16-year industry veteran managing regional sales, marketing, health care and insurance for local and multinational companies.
Dave Mori has been appointed director of development for the University of Hawaii Cancer Center. In his new role, Mori is responsible for the identification, cultivation, solicitation and stew-ardship of individuals, corporations and foundations for major gifts to the center. He also provides leadership to campaigns and special projects for which major gifts are essential to the cancer center’s multipronged efforts to find a cure for cancer. His past positions include serving as co-founder, CEO and director of Piku Media Co. Ltd. in Japan. He established Piku in 45 days from concept to launch to be the first group-buying business in Japan, and grew the business to multimil-lion-dollar revenues within one year. Mori also served as the co-founder, CEO and director at English OK Co. Ltd., where he created Japan’s first service-English training company and Japan’s premier service business online directory,