I rolled the dice on a different type of Las Vegas gamble recently. Not the kind with potential winnings at..
All posts by Tannya Joaquin
Regular readers of this column will recall mentions of and stories about my two children. I’ve neglected to bring up..
Moving from protecting President Obama to diaper duty may sound like a serious demotion, but I don’t think my father-in-law..
Like clockwork every morning on the drive to school, my son and daughter crack up as soon as we turn..
I’ve pictured the day I could enroll my daughter in dance classes since … well, in 2011 when I first..
I’ve always had a fascination with the 1960 presidential election. It was before my time, but the effect of the..
Back-to-school shopping — what an experience! My smiling kids proudly tried on their new uniforms and chose their favorites in..
My son is a happy camper. He graduated from his preschool kindergarten camp with flying colors. Now it’s off to..
A 6-year-old boy named Roy used to drive hours with his family to the fish market in Japan to buy..
Lately it feels like my laundry load has multiplied. For real. I’m in a constant game of catch-up. We even..
Is your refrigerator covered in artwork made by your little Picasso? My kids’ art collection outgrew our kitchen long ago...
This time last year, we were bundled up doing the Disney Cruise around Alaska with Mickey Mouse and company. It..
Rewind to my opening lines in my first MidWeek column one year ago. “We have a morning drill in my..
My diary-writing days came to an abrupt end decades ago when my sister discovered mine hidden in my bedroom. I..
Your children will ground you. Not as in punish, although a case can be made for that. No, I’m talking..
It’s been so long since I’ve been to the movie theater, I have no clue what the going rate is..
Pop quiz: What would you like your son or daughter to do during their summer break? a) Start a business..
Your baby can’t read this column, but can they read at all? Depends who you ask. The Washington Post recently..
There are so many milestones for parents to treasure: first smile, first laugh, first word, first step. Now allow me..
Choose your battles, right? My daughter refused to wear aloha attire for her May Day luau. She had her heart..