A Thriving Example Of ‘Forever Young’
Forever Young, crooned by Rod Stewart, is one of my favorite songs. I liked it so much that, when I was mayor, we used it as the theme for awards to special seniors in our community who didn’t know the meaning of retirement because they were still operating and functioning as if they were 30-40 years younger.
More importantly, their services are in such high demand that the general public will not have it any other way, as they continue to look to these seniors as paragons of hard work and healthy lifestyles.

Tom Moffatt receives his honorary degree from Honolulu Community College Chancellor Erika Lacro PHOTO COURTESY YVONNE CABLAY
In August 2008, the City and County of Honolulu debuted its Forever Young Awards, and I got to honor seven very special individuals — most of them over 70 — for all they had done in the past and present to make our city a special place. Among that select group is my MidWeek colleague Tom Moffatt.
Uncle Tom, according to the selection committee headed up by Debbie Kim Morikawa, then-director of the Department of Community Services, was well aware that, in 2005, the city’s Centennial Committee selected Moffatt as one of Honolulu’s most-influential citizens in its illustrious 100-year history, thereby making him a no-brainer choice.
As we quickly fast forward to May 2015, Moffatt still is racking up awards and honors because he hasn’t slowed down one iota, and absolutely loves bringing smiles and laughter into people’s lives. To wit: He continues to spin music and memories on his top-rated radio program Saturday mornings on Kool Gold 107.9; promotes first-class concerts and events; writes an entertainment-themed column for MidWeek; travels for business and pleasure (in 2014 he and close pal entertainer Jimmy Buffett jetted to Tahiti); plays a mean game of backgammon, and is constantly credited with bringing so many joyous moments to people of all ages and generations.
Hawaii owes much to him for producing action-packed arts and entertainment events for us to enjoy. Getting to see superstars such Elvis, Michael Jackson, Elton John, The Rolling Stones, The Rascals and Bruno Mars perform live in Hawaii is surely on everyone’s concert highlight list. And how about fondly remembering through music one’s first dance or date, a Honolulu Stadium Turkey Day double-header, wrestling or roller derby at the Civic Auditorium? Former Poi Boy Moffatt has a knack of spotlighting and popularizing songs that fit the occasion perfectly or were tailor-made for the times.
As they say in the world of radio, “the hits (Moffatt’s awards) just keep on coming.”