Turtle Bay Foundation Seeking Applicants
The deadline is Oct. 15 for Windward and North Shore students and nonprofits to apply for Turtle Bay Foundation’s 2014 scholarships and grants, which range from $500 to $2,000.
Eligible candidates include sports teams, recreational groups, housing and job training programs, cultural preservation projects, environmental stewards and more, so long as the group focus is on the enrichment of life in the area. The foundation prefers to support specific programs and events conducted by applicants.
One-year scholarships are awarded to college-bound students based on need and personal achievement. Applicants must live between Mokuleia and Kualoa, or have a parent who has worked in the area for the last five years.
“We are eager to broaden our reach and provide additional financial support to community groups and deserving students,” said foundation board member Danna Holck, who also is the resort’s vice president and general manager. “The application process is simple, and we encourage high school seniors, college students and organizations to apply.”
The foundation awarded $50,000 to 29 nonprofit groups and eight students last year, including Kahuku High School’s volleyball and water polo teams, marching band and film club; Hauula Community Association, Ka’a’awa Elementary and Ko’olauloa Children’s Chorus.
Applications and a list of required documents can be downloaded at turtle-bayfoundation.com. Forms must be received in person or postmarked by 3 p.m. Oct. 15 to be considered. Mail applications to Turtle Bay Foundation, Attn: Kiele Sonognini, 57-091 Kamehameha Hwy., Kahuku, HI 96731.
For details, call 447-6953 or email info@turtlebayfoundation.com.