School Supply Drives In West
In anticipation of the upcoming school year, the community is coming together to ensure that low-income students get off to a good start, too.
A number of school supply drives are planned this month, including one hosted by state Rep. Henry Aquino from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday at Longs Drugs in Waipahu Town Center.
“During the past two drives,” stated Aquino, “the residents of Waipahu have been very generous with their donations of school supplies, and it has really made a difference in creating a positive learning experience for our students.
The Rotary Club of Kapolei also hosts supply drives on three days: from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 19 at Walmart in Kapolei, and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 20 and 21 at Longs Drugs in Kapolei.
“The goal of the school supply drive is to help ensure that students from struggling families in our community are prepared for school,” explained Catherine Sichenzia, Kapolei Rotary’s director of community service. “The school supplies we collect help increase their chances of succeeding in classrooms.”
The club has been conducting the supply drive since it was formed in 1994 as a way to help out teachers who had to spend their own money on classroom supplies.
Items accepted include composition books, rulers, #2 pencils, crayons, folders, lined writing pad, glue, erasers, pocket dictionaries, rulers and backpacks.
For more information on the club drives, email