Workshop Enhances Self, Biz

The third and final installment of West Oahu Women (WOW) Network Hawaii’s “Transform Yourself. Transform Your Business” series is scheduled for 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. April 18 at Waikele Country Club.

The program will feature a networking session, followed by two workshops. Leading the workshops this time will be success coach and motivational speaker Kathy Davenport, who will discuss techniques that high achievers use to accelerate their personal and professional lives.

The second speaker is business and networking expert Joann Seery, who will teach the essentials of creating a business plan. Seery, who has written more than 100 business plans and worked with many startups and corporations, shares her business know-how on how to develop a plan for your business – and how to put that plan into action.

Cost is $35 pre-registration, $45 at the door and $25 for WOW members.

To sign up for the session, visit Seating is limited. Waikele Country Club is located at 94-200 Paioa Place.

For more information, call Debra at 780-9754 or visit