January 21
Please email calendar@midweek.com for event submissions
Monday January 21
Ke Kula Mele Hawaii
Windward Mall, 11 a.m.-12 p.m., free. Enjoy Hawaii music nder the direction of Kumu Alan Akaka. Ke Kula Mele Hawaii students will play ukulele, guitar, upright Hawaiian bas and Hawaiian steel guitar, as they entertain audience members with their playing and singing of Hawaiian meles. (kekulamele.com)
Award Presentation
Church of the Crossroads, 7 p.m., free. Church of the Crossroads announced that Kyle Kajhiro will be the recipient of the 2012 Martin Luther King Award. (988-4242)
Martin Luther King Ecumenical Worship Services
St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church, music starts at 6 p.m., service starts at 6:30 p.m., free. Saint Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church, in partnership with many other Christian denominations, is hosting the Second Annual Ecumenical Service that honors the ilfe and works of civil rights leader, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (673-8930)
Chess Lessons With the Hawaii Chess Federation
Pearlridge Center, Upton, second level fronting In4mation, Tuesdays until Feb. 26, 5:30-8 p.m., free. (488-0981, pearlridgeonline.com)
Exercise Class
Kaimuki-Waialae YMCA, 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m., free. Learn the why, what, how and “WOW!” that exercise can bring to your life. Understand how some simple guidelines can help you succeed. (737-5544)
Pilates and Deep Stretching
Still and Moving Center, Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 a.m., call for cost. (397-7678)
Prevent Falls Among Seniors
Moiliili Community Senior Center, 8:30-10:30 a.m., free. Honolulu seniors are invited to learn how to reduce therisk of falls through safety measures, prevention tipsand balance exercises to improve stability. A RN will discuss how seniors can maintain their health and independence by learning how to avoid falls. Reservations required. (440-9372)
Prevent Falls Among Seniors
Moiliili Community Senior Center, 8:30-10:30 a.m., free. Reservations required. Honolulu seniors are invited to learn how to reduce the risk of falls through safety measures, prevention tips, and balance exercises to improve stability. (440-9372)